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 We appreciate the gifts and contributions given to further the Lord’s work among the Deaf.

LifeSigns Deaf Baptist Church Needs Another Miracle - But our God is in the Miracle Making Business!

God has worked in such an amazing way even through the pandemic. LifeSigns has seen souls saved and lives changed for His glory. During these trying times, the church building we were renting went up for sale and we were asked to buy it or move out. God helped us through the Impossible by sending a generous Christian who loaned us the funds to purchase the building. Now we need another miracle — we have been challenged to repay the loan within 5 years.

Would you consider partnering with us in this work? We would appreciate ANY amount you are able to give. Thank you!

All tax-deductible donations may be sent to:

LifeSigns Deaf Baptist Church

6484 New Albany Condit Road

New Albany Ohio 43054

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